Cloud platform for data visualisation and analysis
The software platform is where the virtual model (digital twin) of the physical reality measured by the multi-sensor nodes is generated. The platform is also the central controller of the LoRa data collection network. It is possible to both verify and change the operational parameters of the individual network sectors (served by the gateways) and interact directly with the individual node.
Within the platform the use value for the end user is formed, who can access the data and related processing simply from a browser with any device. Data from individual multi-sensor nodes are not only evaluated individually, but can be dynamically re-aggregated through physical interpretive models.
Designed to be easily implemented within control rooms, it is the place where the virtual digital twin) model of the physical reality measured by the multi-sensor nodes is generated.
It allows monitoring on several cognitive levels:
Scale of the structural element
Processing of information on individual measurement zones or on several measurements made on a specific structural element.
Scale of the opera
Processing of information on several structural elements belonging to the same work.
Geographical area scale
Processing of information on several works belonging to the same geographical area

Equipped with aconfigurable user interface , it can meet the needs of any control room professional or operator.
Fault detection
Allows you to set attention thresholds when they are exceeded and an alert is sent and/or displayed.
Historical data
It makes it possible to apply visualisation and analysis criteria to the past and to reconstruct the structural development of the work over time.
3D Navigation
It simulates a field inspection through a comprehensive visual approach, directly on the interactive 3D model.
It allows you to send your data to other platforms for a complete analysis of the works.